Veena Ganapathy, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Veena Ganapathy

London SE1
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Veena Ganapathy, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Veena Ganapathy

London SE1
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My Approach

I am a qualified psychotherapist and work psychodynamically. This modality values exploration of past experiences and their impact on present-day thoughts, behaviours and patterns. Increasingly, I am drawn to attachment-based, trauma-informed ways of understanding. My training is in psychodynamic psychotherapy but I am also open to exploring how our emotions and unique histories express themselves through the body.

I hope that working therapeutically together, we could create a safe and reflective space in which to better understand your difficulties and acknowledge the pain of the past and challenges of the present. This engagement with the emotional world can lead to acceptance, healing and growth on a profound level. My time as a Cruse Bereavement counsellor reflects my interest in giving meaning and space to loss as an inevitable aspect of the human experience.

About Me

I am a psychodynamic psychotherapist, former mental health social worker and bereavement counsellor. Additionally, I hold BSc Psychology and MSc Social Psychology, both of which have provided foundations upon which to build my knowledge and experience of the internal world and psychological states of being.

I support people with a broad range of life experiences and difficulties such as anxiety, depression, relationship problems, work stress and low self-worth. I am open to supporting individuals struggling with complex responses to the climate/ ecological emergency, the pandemic and structural and societal disparities. I welcome enquiries from those wishing to explore aspects of their identity, such as in relation to race, gender, sexuality, neurodiversity or culture. I am trained psychodynamically and use additional attachment-focused, trauma-informed and person-centred approaches to guide my work.

I was the featured psychodynamic psychotherapist in Talk Yourself Better: A Confused Person's Guide to Therapy, Counselling and Self-help by Ariane Sherine (2018). I wrote about compassion fatigue in the caring professions for I appeared in the UKCP members' magazine, New Psychotherapist, Issue 75, Autumn 2020.

I have a hybrid practice and offer therapy sessions in person, by phone, Zoom and VSee. I am compliant with UKCP and BACP guidance on working therapeutically, competently and ethically online and in-person.

If you’d like to explore working therapeutically to add meaning, healing, joy and compassion to your life, I look forward to hearing from you.

I work with

  • Individuals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

We all experience loss, separation and the pain of grief. When this can be named, felt fully and made emotional meaning of, our psychological and emotional energies can be freed so we can live more fully and open-heartedly.
Many people struggle to give voice to their lived experience of difference, feeling 'othered' or excluded. This can take root in relation to cultural issues, disparities and inner tensions, which can sometimes reflect tensions that also exist in the outer world. In therapy together, I would invite us to co-create a safe space that acknowledges the silencing impact of shame and internalised oppression. In this space, I would endeavour to be alongside you as you engaged with the many dimensions that come together to make you who you are and to integrate and embrace these aspects of the self. This can allow deep healing and liberation to live authentically with presence, courage and compassion.
My background as a psychiatric social worker has deeply influenced my commitment to supporting those experiencing disruptions to their mental wellness. My training and experiences have shaped my approach to be compassion-focused, client-centred and holistic.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Abuse
  • Addiction
  • ADHD
  • Anorexia
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Cultural Issues
  • Depression
  • Family
  • Gender
  • Health-related Issues
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Parents
  • Race Issues
  • Relationships
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Sexuality
  • Suicide
  • Transgender
  • Trauma

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Online Therapy
  • Telephone Therapy

London Office

11 Marshalsea Road
London SE1 1EN

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UKCP College

  • Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis College (CPJAC)
Veena Ganapathy

Veena Ganapathy

London SE1

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