Sreena Pluck, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Sreena Pluck

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Sreena Pluck, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Sreena Pluck

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My Approach

Gestalt Psychotherapy can be described as a body based, political, radical, holistic and a socially connected model of psychotherapy. Everything is relevant, nothing is dismissed in the therapy room nor outside of it. Who you are in therapy and what you bring is explored from a place of curiosity and with the purpose to increase understanding and awareness of patterns and the depth of relating and connecting to different parts of your life.
I work with an Integrative Psychotherapy approach in addition to Gestalt practice which offers further insight into the material brought to the therapy room. I offer CBT, DBT and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. All practice is trauma informed and considerate of intersectionality and identity related issues.

About Me

Hello. Welcome to my profile page. I am a Gestalt Psychotherapist and I work with groups, couples/intimate relationships and individuals in clinical practice. I am based in London, practicing in Russel Square and with a specialist private healthcare provider for eating disorders. I have over 6 years experience of clinical practice and have extensive and ongoing experience in psychiatric treatment and care. As a psychotherapist, I work closely with mental health, social justice issues, abuse, trauma, addiction, grief and the combined impact of these in therapy.

I work with

  • Companies
  • Couples
  • Groups
  • Individuals
  • Private healthcare referrals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

I have extensive experience of working with additions including alcohol, narcotics and sex. I work with the addiction as the visible behaviour and the underlying issues that are contributing to or upholding the pattern of addiction. I work with the specific needs you may have for support and acknowledge one model does not fit all addictions.
I have worked in a bereavement service within a hospice environment and offer bereavement therapy to individuals, couples and groups.
I offer a safe space to examine how culture, community, religion, heritage and race show up in life and the therapy room.
I work with an organisation treating acute psychiatric issues and my practice is rooted in holding and managing any issues related to mental health as presenting factors as well as historical issues which may be contributing to the problems someone is experiencing.
I have years of experience working with VAWG and Gender Based Violence services across London including Rape Crisis, Forward and Good Night Out Campaign. I offer a safe and confidential space to bring issues relating to domestic and sexual abuse - whether this is current or historical.

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Home Visits
  • Online Therapy
  • Telephone Therapy

UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)
Sreena Pluck

Sreena Pluck

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