Lucy Smart, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Lucy Smart

Chagford TQ13
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Lucy Smart, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Lucy Smart

Chagford TQ13
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My Approach

My approach is founded on the principle that each of us has inherent potential to live a rich and fulfilling life. Buried feelings and unhelpful, habitual ways of thinking and behaving can block or limit this potential, and even our sense of who we are. This can lead to many distressing symptoms such as depression and anxiety, and prevent us from living as well as we would like.
Here are some of many reasons people look for therapy:

- being stuck in negative, compulsive or destructive cycles of behaviour

- finding yourself sabotaging positive things in your life

- unable to have positive or lasting relationships

- ongoing issues in relationships

- feeling hopeless, empty or alone, with or without others

- feeling dissatisfied or frustrated with your life

- feeling like something is missing or that life is meaningless

- unable to feel emotions

- having uncontrollable or overwhelming emotions

- experiencing physical or mental symptoms of anxiety and panic

- having a horrible time but unable to understand or even describe what is going on

- feeling confused, lost, foggy, zoned out

- unable to make decisions or know what you want

- sexual difficulties or dissatisfaction

- physical symptoms without medical explanation

It can feel daunting going to see a therapist for the first time. Some people have never asked for help. Therapy is hard work but it can turn people’s lives around.

Understanding how we relate to ourselves and others, and experiencing our full range of feelings leads to increased freedom and choice, and in turn a renewed sense of purpose, vitality and connection to life, and more satisfying relationships.

About Me

I am a psychotherapist and counsellor working in Dartmoor, Devon. I began my training and practice in Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy 12 years ago. For the past six years I've been using a methodology called Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP).

ISTDP has been formulated to accelerate the process of therapy. One of the ways this works in practice is that the therapist shares their observations as to what relational behaviours are occurring in the session that prevent the client from living the life they want. With this immediate feedback the client can see for themselves what is obstructing them as it happens in the moment. Therapist and client can then work collaboratively in overcoming these obstacles.

Another way ISTDP works is that there is continual attention given by therapist and client to all that is being experienced by the client in body and mind as it occurs in the moment. What is happening at a bodily level is assessed throughout, to ensure tolerance for feelings is being built within the capacity of the client's anxiety system at the time. As the therapy progresses, capacity for feeling emotions which have historically been repressed or overwhelmed the client increases. This increased tolerance for feelings in turn alleviates anxiety and depression symptoms.

The regular body/mind tracking also introduces a new awareness of cause and effect when it comes to feelings causing anxiety, causing unconscious reactions, causing psychological suffering. Becoming acquainted with this sequence allows you to notice your internal reactions in everyday life. This is an incredibly useful skill and sensitivity to have because you tend to become more accepting of what are natural internal reactions, yet more in control about how to respond, rather than overtaken by defences.

Your internal reactions inform you about how you feel and what you want/like etc, and as you become more comfortable with them, you become more able to be present in interactions, and to trust that you will be able to respond naturally, rather than, for instance, responding according to what you think others expect of you, being anxiously in your head planning what to say, guessing what others are thinking, or ensuring you control every interaction. This means you conserve energy by removing anxious overthinking/overperforming as well as becoming better able to intuitively know where to put your energy. You become better able to listen, and therefore can respond more accurately and receptively to others in a spontaneous and flexible way. This leads to being able to truly connect with people, leading to more pleasurable and productive relationships.

I am UKCP registered, which means I adhere to the UKCP's code of practice. I undertake regular supervision with peers and senior colleagues to ensure I am working to the best possible standard.

I work with

  • Individuals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

Anxiety is often felt as bodily sensations, such as racing heart, tight chest, tight or churning stomach. Sometimes even dizziness, spaciness or inability to think, see or hear properly. It can cause stomach problems, skin problems, headaches, nausea. It also shows up in our mind and in the way we think, causing worry, fear, paranoia, confusion, panic, obsessive and catastrophic thinking. Anxiety is something we all experience at times and in different ways, but it becomes a problem when it regularly and repeatedly interferes with our ability to feel physically at ease, to be present to life and to experience reality (i.e. seeing ourselves and others as who we are). At its worst anxiety can be completely debilitating and maddening. We will work to identify where and how anxiety is experienced in body, thinking and behaviour. We will track when it occurs in the moment, slowing down and working out what is happening in an often very fast and unconscious internal process.
Depression is often described as feeling hopeless, empty or desperate. It can be impossible to take pleasure in anything or feel connected to anyone, rendering life as meaningless. Depression can even mean feeling unhappy when everything is seemingly well in your life. It is a state of deep suffering and isolation, and at its worst results in not wanting to live.
I have a particular interest in medically unexplained physical symptoms and how the mind and body interact.
We are born into relationships and adapt ourselves accordingly. These adaptations do not always happen in an entirely healthy way. Our psychology is always complex, made up of many parts and specific to each of us, but the unpicking of these parts within the therapeutic relationship brings more awareness and control, and the opportunity for new ways of relating. This paves the way for more positive and rewarding relationships.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy

Chagford Office

Chagford TQ13

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Exeter Office

Exeter EX4

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UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)
Lucy Smart

Lucy Smart

Chagford TQ13

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