NRHP is an Organisational Member of UKCP. Approximately half our members are UKCP registered and regulated; the remainder have completed a UKCP-accredited training course for one or more years. All NRHP members have regular supervision, undertake CPD and are fully insured. We are a member-owned and run organisation and administrative tasks are carried out by experienced practitioners and board members on a voluntary basis.
We exist to support fellow members, the majority of whom have been in practice for decades, and to enable our colleagues to work safely and confidently with people who seek their help. We respond promptly to member queries, by email and telephone, and any member of NRHP can join the board to share their expertise or particular skills. Potential clients can also access our website, or contact NRHP directly, to make general enquiries or to find a practitioner in their area.
NRHP is not a training provider; members originally trained in one of the schools in what was previously the College of Hypno-Psychotherapy and is now the College of Outcome Oriented and Hypno-Psychotherapies. Most NRHP members use hypnotherapy as part of their practice, a majority of us are self-employed, and many will have diversified over long careers to focus on particular interests or client groups. Members are able to update their details on the NRHP website at any time.
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