About the strategy development process

When the UKCP Board of Trustees appointed Jon Levett as its CEO in April 2023, he was also asked to develop a three-year organisational strategy on behalf of the Board. 

To set the groundwork for the new strategy, the trustees and CEO sat down and mapped out the breadth of the organisational activities UKCP carries out, revealing a structure where all the activity fits into one of four ‘pillars’ – quality, voice, membership and organisation.

Taking these pillars, a set of tentative ideas for how UKCP might grow under each one into the future has been developed to act as a starting point. Members will be emailed these ideas in due course to share their feedback and ideas as part of the engagement period.

We are now in the engagement period (February-May 2024) in which we are asking for your input. Find out more about the strategy and how we are involving members here.


Governance oversight

Strategy working group

Ensuring the integrity and coherence of our strategic development is the Strategy Working Group, overseeing the entire process and reporting back to the Board of Trustees. This group plays a crucial role in aligning strategic initiatives with the organisational vision and values. It is made up of UKCP CEO Jon Levett, head of content and engagement Emily Bridges, trustees Will Daniel-Braham and Pippa Donnovan and UKCP members Bill Adlard, Neil Gibson, Ben Scanlan and Ashlynne Ludlow.


Strategy delivery group and member collaboration

The Strategy Delivery Group, comprising of UKCP staff, delivers the day-to-day activity to create the webinars, think piece essays and other materials to engage members. Collaborating closely with this group is the engagement feedback group, a group of UKCP members who provide valuable insights and contribute to the development of engagement activities.


Feedback collation and reporting

Following the member engagement period, all feedback received will be collated and a summary will be reported back to our members.


Final strategy development

Building on the insights gained from member engagement, the final strategy will be developed and published in autumn 2024.



Below, you will find a timeline outlining the key milestones and activities we will be carrying out in the engagement process for developing the new organisational strategy.

A series of thought-provoking webinars will be held and think piece essays published on topics relating to UKCP as an organisation and the future of psychotherapy. Members will be asked to feedback on these to help formulate the final strategy.

All the feedback will be collated, analysed and put into a report

From July the new strategy, taking into account all the feedback collated, will start to be created.

The new three-year strategy will be launched in October 2024.

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