EDI Action Plan

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan sets out to ensure EDI is at the heart of UKCP's work – for our members, our volunteers, our staff and, crucially, for the public with whom we and our members interact professionally.

Our commitment to advancing equality, diversity and inclusion was brought into sharp focus by the death of George Floyd in police custody in May 2020. As many organisations have, we took a long hard look in the mirror to examine our culture and practices in light of the long overdue public discussions about racism, homophobia, ableism and misogyny worldwide. The psychological impact of dehumanising injustice cannot be overstated, and we recognise that our sector and profession face ever greater and more complex risks. Now is the time to drive forward action to do more to reflect the diverse communities we serve. We are at the start of this journey and we recognise making change happen is complex and difficult. This plan is the manifestation of our commitment to change.

EDI action plan updates – July 2024

  • New BRAG (blue, red, amber, green) status updates. 

EDI action plan updates – November 2023

An updated version of the action plan was added to the website (available to view and download below) in November 2023. Plan updates include:

  • New BRAG (blue, red, amber, green) status updates included
  • Amended wording improve clarity to the following actions under the engagement priority:
    • Action 6
    • Action 14
    • Action 16
    • Action 20
    • Action 21

UKCP EDI Action Plan

Equality, diversity and inclusion action plan

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