I work using a Gestalt and Sensorimotor psychotherapeutic approach, which is based on a ‘here-and-now’, holistic, humanistic, existential, phenomenological, embodied and relational model of the world. I view you as an independent, self-regulating, embodied human being, responsible for your own decisions and ways of being/living in the world, with everything you need in your reach. I will not advise or place myself in the expert role but will instead, use my skills and experience to help you connect with your own inner wisdom as to, e.g. what is right or wrong for you; what meets (or does not) your needs; when and how to take a stand or set in place a boundary etc. Specifically, I will support on ongoing development of your own insight and awareness and I will help you to develop your (cognitive/emotional/physical) capacities to grow and heal. My approach asserts that talking and cognitive understanding are not enough to ensure real change. Instead, I practice what I refer to as a ‘Top-Down/Bottom Up/Zoom in/Zoom Out’ approach. This means I work with cognition, thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, imagery (‘Top Down’) (akin to a CBT or psychodynamic therapist) but also I prioritise working with the autonomic nervous system and the innate fight or flight responses. I also work with mindful study and experimentation with sensations, impulses, energy, tension, pain, numbness and emotions (‘Bottom Up’). I also work with spirituality/faith/higher meaning, more like an existential or psychosynethesis therapist, exploring connection beyond ourselves to others. At a practical level this means I may suggest we explore a tiny, minute aspect (or fractal) of your whole experience (‘Zoom in’) and/or a ‘sit back’/holistic review of your total experience (‘Zoom out). Together this approach means you grow and heal at your own pace, following your own wisdom, but with me partnering you as a skilled guide, mentor and kind of therapeutic midwife.
I am a qualified Gestalt psychotherapist, a certified Sensorimotor practitioner, a Gestalt/Integrative supervisor and an occasional academic consultant and examiner for Metanoia Institute, where between 2014-2018, I was one of four primary tutors delivering the Gestalt Masters degree to post-graduate trainee psychotherapists. I am also one of a small team of peer reviewers for articles submitted to the academic journal: British Gestalt Journal. Before retraining as a psychotherapist almost 25 years ago now, I was a management consultant specialising in organisation change for over a decade, particularly in how to design and support successful and sustainable cultural change, and, prior to that in general management in industry. My extensive experience both as a therapist and consultant, combined with my roles outside work as mother, sister, daughter, friend, colleague etc. enable me to support my clients heal and grow.
Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.
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