Samantha Elvyhart, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Samantha Elvyhart

Leamington Spa CV32 English
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Samantha Elvyhart, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Samantha Elvyhart

Leamington Spa CV32 English
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My Approach

A warm welcome
Whether the problem is your life circumstances, relationships, your past, or it feels like it’s something about you, if you’re suffering and struggling, I can help you. Perhaps everything you've tried so far to improve things hasn't helped in the way you'd hoped, and you’ve run out of ideas. Perhaps you haven’t had the safe and caring environment to work through your problems, or the people you turned to haven’t quite given you what you needed. If this is you, take heart – over the past nine years I have worked with people from many different walks of life, helping them to feel better, and live happier and more fulfilled lives.

Whatever the nature of your problems, my aim is for you to arrive on a path that is less full of suffering and dysfunction. When you take your therapeutic journey with me, I will walk the path of exploration, healing and growth with you, whatever we find on the way and wherever it takes us. I will have your back and I will stay the course with you, always holding your best interests in mind. If you’d like to have an informal chat, please get in touch.

Type of therapy I offer:
My approach can be described as Integrative-Relational-Developmental.

​Integrative means...that I draw on a number of therapeutic approaches, psychological theories and research to enable me to respond flexibly to your therapeutic needs and serve your best interests.

Relational means...that I provide a therapeutic relationship that supports and fosters your healing and growth. I offer you both the opportunity to risk being yourself with me - and to discover who you can be when you feel truly accepted for who you are.

Developmental means...that I take a special interest in your early experiences in life. I see these as the foundation of your sense of personal identity and quality of your relationships. Applying a developmental focus can bring deep and long lasting change.

In a session this looks like:
Me offering you a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space in which we explore your experiences, beliefs, assumptions, memories, feelings, body sensations and style of relating. By making new connections and gaining new insights, I will assist you to develop the inner resources you need to move forward.


Practical info:

Availability: I have some limited daytime availability.
Duration: I offer short-term (up to 20 sessions) and long term (20+ sessions) face-to-face work with adults.​​
Fees: £65 per hour. I accept BACS payments only.
Location: My practice is located at The Clarendon Centre in Leamington Spa. Ample parking is available close by.
Private healthcare: I am a recognised provider of psychotherapy and counselling for the following insurance companies:
- AXA PPP Healthcare.

What happens when you get in touch:
I'll contact you and we will have a brief phone chat to discuss what brings you to therapy. We'll then arrange an assessment session (1hr) in person or via Zoom. During this session, I'll ask for some key information from you and we will have a chat about what brings you to therapy. You can ask me anything you'd like to know.
Following the assessment session, I'll email you a copy of my therapy contract to read. After a few days we'll speak again in order to address any outstanding queries and decide if we want to work together.
If we decide to go ahead we will sign the contract and arrange an inital six sessions. I will take advance payment for the following session.
If we decide not to work together, I will signpost you to other sources of help as appropriate.​​

About Me

Whether the problem is your life circumstances, relationships, your past, or it feels like it’s something about you, if you’re suffering and struggling, I can help you. Take heart – over the past nine years I have worked with people from many different walks of life, helping them to feel better, and live happier and more fulfilled lives.

Formal qualifications:
- MSc Integrative Psychotherapy
- PG Cert. Integrative Counselling
- BA (Hons) Philosophy.

​I have over seven years' professional and academic training in counselling and psychotherapy underpinned by my lifelong commitment to learning and personal development. My Philosophy studies trained me to develop an open and enquiring mind, the ability to see things from multiple perspectives and the ability to contemplate life's 'big picture' - extremely helpful in therapeutic work. Additionally, I am no stranger to adversity; this means that I know it's possible to overcome pain and difficulty and live a much happier, fulfilled and peaceful life. ​That means I truly believe you can, too.

Insurance: I am fully insured, as is my place of practice.​

Continuing professional development (CPD): In line with the ethical frameworks I follow, I undertake a minimum of 50+ hours of CPD a year to ensure that my professional skills are up to date and continually developing.

Professional experience: In addition to my full-time private practice, I am a director of The Clarendon Centre in Leamington Spa.

I work with

  • Individuals
  • Private healthcare referrals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Integrative Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Abuse
  • Addiction
  • Age-related Issues
  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Bulimia
  • Bullying
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Illness
  • Cultural Issues
  • Depression
  • Employment Difficulties
  • Health-related Issues
  • Identity Problems
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Obsessions
  • Parents
  • Physical Abuse
  • Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Race Issues
  • Relationships
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Spirituality
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Workplace Counselling

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term

Leamington Spa Office

The Clarendon Centre
Second Floor
52-54 Regent Street
Leamington Spa CV32 5EG

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£65 per session

UKCP College

  • Universities Training College (UTC)
Samantha Elvyhart

Samantha Elvyhart

Leamington Spa CV32

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