Miha Momoiu, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Miha Momoiu

Brighton BN1 Romanian
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Miha Momoiu, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Miha Momoiu

Brighton BN1 Romanian
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My Approach

I’m Miha, a Person-Centred Psychotherapist. I work with individuals and with couples, face to face and online, in English and Romanian. There can be different reasons for wanting counselling: losing a loved one, going through a crisis, experiencing the impact of unusual circumstances (eg. a pandemic), not recognizing ourselves anymore, feeling stressed at work or at home, having health problems that doctors can’t find a reason for, not feeling confident or feeling like you don’t have control anymore, struggling with relationships (partners, parents, co-workers), feeling depressed etc.

We can’t always open up in front of our family or friends. Sometimes, we need a neutral person to hear us without judgement, without giving us unwanted advice, someone who really listens and helps us sit with, unpack our thoughts and feelings and work through an issue. This usually helps us understand what’s going on for us, have more clarity about our feelings, the changes we want to make, how to make them happen, feel empowered and less burdened.

I believe everyone has their own answers and ways of healing because our experiences are unique. I place great importance on experiencing and communicating genuine empathy, creating a safe and healing environment to foster self-awareness, personal growth and empowerment.
I don’t diagnose or label clients. My work is client driven and at her/his/their pace.
I offer counselling and therapy in Romanian and in English.

About Me

I am originally from Romania and I moved to the UK more than 15 years ago motivated by a strong interest in diversity and multiculturalism, hence my openness to working with clients from different cultural backgrounds, religious affiliations and gender identities.

I was drawn to the Person-Centred Approach (https://www.the-pca.org.uk/about/what-is-it.html) because of the positive experience I had in my early 20’s in personal therapy, when I needed to explore different issues in my personal life. I felt heard, accepted and met with empathy by my therapist then which helped me explore difficult experiences and find my own answers.

I work with

  • Couples
  • Individuals
  • Private healthcare referrals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Person Centred Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Abuse
  • Addiction
  • Age-related Issues
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Bullying
  • Cultural Issues
  • Depression
  • Domestic Violence
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Online Counselling
  • Physical Abuse
  • Relationships
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Stress
  • Suicide
  • Trauma

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy
  • Telephone Therapy

Brighton Office

57 Ship Street
Brighton BN1 1AF
United Kingdom

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£60 for individuals
£80 for couples


I may be able to offer concessions

London Office

290 Mare Street
London E81HE

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£70 for individual therapy
£90 for couple therapy


I may be able to offer concessions.

UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)
Miha Momoiu

Miha Momoiu

Brighton BN1

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