I offer psychotherapy grounded in relationship, developed over many years of working and drawing on my deep perception of the physical, emotional and energy bodies. My background has included considerable work with attachment issues, trauma and severe mental disturbance. I am a trained breath-work coach and introduce this with other hands-on body work when relevant. As such my approach is transpersonal, yet rooted in the practical and everyday.
I am an experienced clinical supervisor, based in Forres, Scotland and online.
I offer psychotherapy on Zoom, as appropriate, and work with people all over the world - I find meeting online works much more effectively than I ever dreamed! However, it does preclude hands-on working, of course . . .
We start where you are - genuinely the only place to start - and together notice the wisdom of what is showing up in life for you, or how you are showing up in life & in the systems you are part of. We explore the relational and energetic fields, at whatever level is your learning edge - bringing attention to the body, breath and to energetic/emotional expression - developing felt and other senses as needed through focusing, movement, expressive/creative arts and the imaginal (imagination), as well as using direct perception of energy. How all of this blossoms in relationship to you will be highly individual.
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