Jeanette Marsh, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Jeanette Marsh

LONDON E18 English
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Jeanette Marsh, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Jeanette Marsh

LONDON E18 English
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My Approach

I am an Integrative and Transpersonal psychotherapist. I am also a registered Clinical Supervisor.

About Me

I am an experienced psychotherapist and have worked in private practice for over 25 years and the NHS (now semi-retired) for 15 years. My background and experience mean that I draw on a range of approaches and work at a depth that is right for you. I can work with you more than once a week, which sometimes may be needed. Psychotherapy can be helpful to deal with a particular crisis in your life and to find ways to manage things. It can also be a way to reflect on your life, the things that have happened to you and patterns that are causing difficulties. Sometimes the work is quite short-term and focussed, at other times it can be a much longer piece of work which takes you on a new journey in your life. My job is to support you and help you to develop awareness, insight and understanding so that you can make changes and live more fully. I have an interest in Jungian ideas and am training as a Jungian analyst. I can help you to learn to live more consciously and to try to make better choices rather than reacting to life's circumstances out of fear, anger, depression or hurt.

I work with

  • Individuals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

As people think towards retirement and older-age there are many changes in attitude and lifestyle to negotiate. Often people begin to look back over their life as well as seeking to develop themselves in new and previously 'unlived' ways.
My work has included a number of years working with complex bereavement within an NHS setting. Complex or complicated grief can be because of the nature of the death but it can also be because of the history and nature of the relationship with the person who died. I have worked with bereavement by suicide, murder, road accident, sudden death, death after long illness, all neo-natal deaths.
I have also worked with people who have come through cancer treatment. Sometimes, there has been no space to talk about the impact of the diagnosis and treatment of an illness like cancer and it isn't until afterwards that this can begin.
For many years I worked in the NHS with people who were dying - sometimes working for only a short time but sometimes working over a few years. I also work with family members when someone they love is dying - sometimes they want to talk about how things are affecting them as they very often feel lost and alone.
I have worked with people struggling with the long-term effects of early trauma including childhood abuse and neglect. This is always long-term work and, at times, might mean working for up to 3 sessions each week. This work is not suitable for telephone sessions and may not be suitable for online sessions, depending on the situation.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Transpersonal Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Age-related Issues
  • Bereavement
  • Cancer
  • Depression
  • Health-related Issues
  • Identity Problems
  • Spirituality
  • Supervision
  • Terminal Illness

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy
  • Telephone Therapy


South Woodford

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UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)
Jeanette Marsh

Jeanette Marsh


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