Harriet Olins

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Harriet Olins

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My Approach

I offer a compassionate, safe space where you are the sole focus and you set the pace. I trained for 6 years to become a psychotherapist and have experience in both the NHS and private practice. My core psychotherapy training is in psychodrama psychodrama which is an integrative, embodied approach to psychotherapy. This means that as well as sitting and listening to you, at appropriate moments I might offer more embodied or creative ways to explore your world and create shifts, as well. These might include:

- Showing me some key events in your life so far by placing objects on the floor in a timeline and talking about them.
- Using a pen and paper to map out your family tree and convey how you experience dynamics between various family members.
- Describing some of the roles you hold in your life, significant people in your life, and experimenting by ‘holding’ any of these other roles to see if a new perspective emerges. This technique is called ‘role reversal’ and is gently introduced in the sessions, when helpful.
Alongside my core psychotherapy training, I infuse my work with what I’ve learned from the traditions of mindfulness meditation and my interest in the mind–body connection.

About Me

I work with you to create the change you want. I welcome people from diverse backgrounds into my therapy room and I believe that my role - first and foremost - is to listen carefully to you and establish a safe connection. From there, we journey together into exploring your world, finding areas where you might be feeling stuck or in pain and working therapeutically with these areas so that you can find more ease in life. When we know ourselves more intimately, we can move forwards with more self-assurance.

Choosing the right therapist for you is so important, that's why I offer a low cost initial assessment for us to meet in person and for you to experience what working with me might feel like. You can 'assess' whether I'm the right therapist for you. And, after careful listening, I can offer some thoughts around how I feel I might be able to help you.

I work with

  • Companies
  • Groups
  • Individuals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

Loss is an inevitable part of life, but the acute pain of really 'saying goodbye' can feel eviscerating and is often avoided. I help my clients attend to this painful process. When we allow the feelings that loss brings to move through us, this creates space. It's only then that we can start to access a sense of letting go and acceptance. This process might mean grieving a loved one who has died. It might also mean exploring the impact of what never had in life, but deeply craved. By accepting what hasn't happened or what we had once and no longer do, we can create more openness and freedom.
We all live in a unique context - some could argue that it's growing more complex by the day. I believe this has a huge impact on how we experience and behave in the world. My non-judgemental, anti-racist, compassionate approach to therapy allows my clients to name and explore aspects of their experience that they might have been made to feel are unwelcome or risky to name in other settings. We are all multi-faceted and complex creatures, and we all need and deserve a genuinely safe space to digest who we truly are. I do my best to offer this to my clients so that issues of race, class, gender, religion and cultural background, societal pressure and sexuality can be explored fully - in a way that feels liberating and helpful for my clients.
In a world where there's immense pressure to look a certain way, eating disorders are a common way of coping. I have experience working with clients who carry shame or guilt about how they manage this pressure and take it out on their bodies in destructive ways. Some clients are curious about finding new, more nourishing ways to respond to the pressures of life but are scared of letting go of this powerful coping mechanism (the eating disorder). Some clients have spent so long channeling their anger inwards and taking dissatisfaction out on themselves, that that they have reached a place of exhaustion and want to try to find a new approach. Some want to re-frame how they see their bodies. How do we work towards a way of appreciating our bodies for the vital and nuanced mechanisms they are, rather than reducing them to 2-dimensional symbols of how much we conform to beauty standards? I help my clients explore the reasons behind why their eating disorder developed, what the need that drives it is, what the positives are that it once brought (or still brings) and what the costs are from keeping it alive. This clarity helps my clients move forwards.
I have extensive experience helping clients process trans-generational trauma going back decades, as well as discreet traumas that occur over a life-time. We all hold and respond to our trauma differently. Through careful listening and gentle guidance, I help my clients make sense of their traumatic experiences, which leads to a greater sense of empowerment, resilience and spaciousness in life.
I help develop a healthy workplace culture where inter-personal dynamics such such as rivalry, communication breakdown and fractious power dynamics can be openly aired and digested. I also offer grief counselling if there has been a bereavement at work which has impacted the team. When we take care of the mental health of those working in corporate environments, staff tend to feel more resilient and better resourced. My corporate work is flexible - it might be that just a one-off session is required, or the work might span several weeks. I respond to the needs of the organisation.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Psychodrama Psychotherapist

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy


Hackney Therapy
342 Kingsland Road
E8 4DA
United Kingdom (UK)

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UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)

Harriet Olins


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