Carlos Molina, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Carlos Molina

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Carlos Molina, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Carlos Molina

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My Approach

My work is rooted in an absolute respect for my clients' history and their life choices. I have a genuine interest in supporting a careful exploration of what could be the origin of their suffering and what helps them enjoy life. My clients’ wider circumstances, their needs and the surrounding environment are essential to the process.
I have a firm belief that we all possess what we need to navigate critical times in our lives. But we often need another person close by to help us discover and develop these resources. Sometimes, we need a professional.
A first session with me provides a safe and confidential space for the client to share their understanding of the current situation, and what they would like to get from the therapeutic process ideally. It is a shared opportunity to see if we both feel that we can work together.
My practice is anti-racist, gender-informed, trauma-informed, and affirmative for people who are diverse in terms of their gender, sexuality or relationship style.

About Me

Hi, I'm Carlos. I offer online therapy in English and Spanish. My core approach is Gestalt Therapy and I use tools and techniques from my training and experience in psychoanalysis, bodywork, coaching, and mindfulness amongst others. I have a special interest in integrating thought, emotion, physical sensation, and dreams during the therapy sessions.
I have trained with a variety of institutions - some traditional like the Tavistock & Portman, and some more alternative and experimental – in Madrid and in London where I moved in 2003.
I started training in psychotherapy under a therapist who helped me through a difficult emotional process in my twenties and later became my mentor. 30 years later, I’m helping others to navigate difficult moments and find meaning in their lives. My experience supports my understanding of feeling helpless, disorientated, and hopeless, but also enthusiastic and adventurous at other times.
While training as a therapist, I worked helping children, families, and adults and as an artist. These experiences allow me to understand better my clients’ circumstances and their potential for creative development.
We people are incredibly rich and complex and so are our relationships. Therefore, in my work I try to focus precisely on what is unique in each individual, couple or group. After all these years, I continue to be inspired by our capacity to find motivation, energy, and peace in ourselves and with the world around us.
My personal stance and my professional practice are pro-equality, anti-racist, gender informed, and affirmative towards people who are diverse in their sexuality, gender identity, or realtionship style.

I work with

  • Companies
  • Couples
  • Groups
  • Individuals
  • Private healthcare referrals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

I know anxiety in my own life. I have studied its neuro-chemical implications and learned approaches, tool and techniques to improve self-awareness and learn to management our anxious states of being. I have helped many clients to understand their anxiety and find ways to feel less anxious. These approaches range from scientific knowledge, physical approaches and others more creative and adaptable to each individual.
I have developed a professional and personal interest in working with grief and bereavement and have invested quite some time studying and working on how we can help ourselves and others. I've realised that loss is present in all areas of our life and can appear at any time. We lose people, comfort, health, money, etc. Giving special attention to these changes is often the key to reduce suffering and to increase chances to enjoy life.
Depression is present in life at different times, in different levels. Some people don't recognise ever being depressed, but for the rest of us, depression shows up every now and then. I have worked with clients with different types and levels of depression and have explored my own depressive states. I understand the neuro-chemistry of these states and how they interact with anxiety, relationships and our own sense of self. My starting point is of acceptance. Depression cannot be pushed out of the way, but it can be invited to ease, and one can breath after, hopefully start feeling that there is space for other feelings too.
I started using technology long before covid made it mandatory for us all. I have found that it can be the only option for some clients, and the best option for others. Online and telephone counselling can offer other levels of closeness and intimacy. I have specific training and years of experience using telephone and video calls to help others. I have post-graduate studies in integrating the physical experience in the therapeutic work, and I use these techniques online with simple adaptations.
Separation and loss are often the trigger of major life crises. I have helped many people to understand and navigate extremely difficult separations. I have experienced my own share too, due to illness and death, and also due to painful break ups in relationships. I have studied and successfully used different ways to integrate the experience of loss and separation in life in ways that help clients to suffer less.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Gestalt Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Anger Management
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Depression
  • Domestic Violence
  • Online Counselling
  • Relationships
  • Separation
  • Stress

Types of sessions

  • Online Therapy
  • Telephone Therapy



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UKCP College

  • Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy College (HIPC)
Carlos Molina

Carlos Molina

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