Anne Marie Cussins, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Anne Marie Cussins

Bath BA1 English
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Anne Marie Cussins, UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Anne Marie Cussins

Bath BA1 English
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My Approach

Psychoanalytic. I offer a high degree of empathy and work with you to create an emotional space that is safe and where you will feel enabled to bring your thoughts, feelings and dreams. The aim is to uncover less conscious parts of the personality and to understand motivations for behaviour that may no longer be useful. In a trusting therapeutic relationship, there can unfold a truth about one's feelings that may eventually be liberating and lead to change. In psychoanalytical therapy you may have reactions toward the therapist which, when understood, can create deeper insight into how relationships have been formed with those in your past and present life.

About Me

With over 25 years of experience as a psychotherapist I can provide clients with long and short term therapy for depression, eating disorders and relationship problems. My specialisation in eating disorders comes from research in the many approaches to anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating, and especially from my clinical experience. I offer assessment at an initial consultation. I also have a special interest and long term experience in working with couples. I have worked in the public and voluntary sectors and been a teacher for psychotherapy trainees over a long period.

I work with

  • Individuals

Special Interests

Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.

Types of Therapies Offered

  • Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist

What I can help with

  • Abuse
  • Addiction
  • Adoption
  • Age-related Issues
  • Anorexia
  • Anxiety
  • Bulimia
  • Bullying
  • Cultural Issues
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Employment Difficulties
  • Gender
  • Identity Problems
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Obsessions
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Online Counselling
  • Parents
  • Post-Traumatic Stress
  • Relationships
  • Sexuality
  • Stress
  • Supervision
  • Telephone Counselling
  • Workplace Counselling

Types of sessions

  • Face to Face - Long Term
  • Face to Face - Short Term
  • Online Therapy

Bath Office

10 Frankley Buildings
Bath BA1 6EG
United Kingdom

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UKCP College

  • Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis College (CPJAC)
Anne Marie Cussins

Anne Marie Cussins

Bath BA1

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