My training is as an Integrative Arts Psychotherapist, I support people to develop their own inner knowing using a variety of creative means. This could including talking, working with sensations in the body, images, metaphors, movement, dreams, postcards and drawing. Many people do not think of themselves as being creative, my specialism is in supporting more fluidity and possibilities in their day to day life. I have twenty years experience as a psychotherapist and have enjoyed working with a huge range of issues in a variety of settings including the NHS, University, a Trauma counselling service for women and in private practice.
I am an integrative psychotherapist and supervisor working in the NHS and in private practice. I believe people can change. I believe it because I have seen it both with clients and in myself. No matter how lost, confused, anxious, depressed, stuck or frustrated you're feeling, things can change, you can gain greater clarity and feel more settled and at ease in the world. Using the arts enables you to connect to your inner knowing and awareness. You already have the capacity to make changes and have greater freedom in your everyday life, my role is to support and guide you in that process. You may want to develop more balance in your day to day life or enable more creativity and ease in your life. I can support you in that process to develop greater self acceptance.
Areas of interest include: Anxiety, Depression, long term health conditions, trauma, PTSD, developing more compassion for yourself and others, grief and loss, relationship difficulties, personal growth, developing intuitive knowing, developing effective communication, Issues related to childbearing - unexpected pregnancy, infertility, pregnancy, birth trauma, post natal depression, Assisting parents in gaining perspective and strategies in managing the challenges of parenting, recovering a sense of balance and well being. Working with dreams, the imagination and using the arts to support the psyche in finding new perspectives on troubling issues.
My fees are 60.00 pounds per hour
50 minute session
Like all UKCP registered psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors I can work with a wide range of issues, but here are some areas in which I have a special interest or additional experience.
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