UKCP is moving offices

UKCP is moving offices. From 17 June 2024, our new address will be:

York House
221 Pentonville Road
N1 9UZ

Our telephone number, email addresses and website will remain unchanged.

Since moving to 2 America Square in 2017, the way that UKCP uses the office space has changed. The COVID-19 lockdowns led to more events and committee meetings being held either in a hybrid way or completely online.

Viki Calais, UKCP’s chief operating officer said: ‘After the pandemic restrictions, ways of working changed. We looked at how best we could make the most of UKCP’s office space and a staff focus group explored many options. But it became clear that the America Square office is larger than necessary. We must ensure that we get the best value for members’ money and the Board agreed that we should explore the option to move premises.’

UKCP consulted with staff, volunteers and members who use the current office to determine what was important for the new offices. The consultation revealed that location was the most important consideration for colleagues using the office. People wanted a space they could access easily without having to travel for longer than necessary. Other important considerations that came out of the consultation were:

  • that it should be compliant with the disability discrimination act (DDA)
  • that there should be a blend of desk, meeting and breakout space
  • the look and feel
  • the cost.

‘It has been a weighty but exciting task to find a suitable small-scale office,’ said Calais. ‘We are determined that our new premises should reflect our mission and vision, and that it should enable us to increase our value to members. We have also been able to accommodate the move without it affecting member fees for 2023/24.

‘I am pleased that within strict budgetary considerations, we have been able to achieve the success criteria for the office move. York House is a sustainable timber-fronted workspace and is DDA compliant. It will enable the team and colleagues to work more efficiently and effectively, improving staff satisfaction, mental health and emotional wellbeing. Kings Cross is a vibrant place to work and a major transport hub, and we cannot wait to welcome colleagues into the space.’


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